Wednesday 16 November 2011

Clarification on music that can be used in documentary from OCR

For any option other than the music video candidates can only use 'found' material in a limited way. So if it is snippets that will only be used in a limited fashion in their piece then that is okay but if the found material is making up the majority of their soundtrack then that is really against the spirit of the specification.

The move away from 'found' material is to stop students just finding their favourite music track and putting over their video without any thought, editing or remixing to make it appropriate for their piece of work.

Kind Regards

Media Support Team

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Points to consider

1. Screen shot of how imovie looks at the moment
Comment on:
2. What has gone well, what have you been pleased with?
3. Have you discovered any useful tools? Screen shot them.
4. What has caused you problems? Techniques that have been tricky? How have you got round this?
5. ANy useful plug ins or sites that you've used?
6. WHat do you need to do by next lesson? Any more footage? Any more research?
7. How is your narrative/character/representation developing?

work in progress

Editing is going nicely for most of you. Don't forget to keep doing screen shots of where you are at in the editing process to add to your blog. You should be adding a diary type entry a few times a week about how your editing is going. What technology you are using and how the narrative is taking shape. It's likely that some of your ideas will be changing as you work and its a good idea to track these developments in terms of language, genre, character, narrative and representation as you will have to write about these elements in your critical perspectives exam.

Those of you who haven't filmed yet, the situation is getting very serious. If you haven't got any footage by next week then measures will be taken!!

Good place to download music for your videos from

Click here for link

Thanks Joe!