Sunday 11 September 2011

Some mini deadlines and reminders for you.

1. You must add to your blog after every lesson to keep a track of your progress and what you are aiming for. You need to be tracing your work progress use the blog not only to explain your research findings but also as a reflective diary of your creative journey.
You will receive a +, = or - assessment each week according to the quality of your work. There will be a prize for the student with the most + each half term!!

2. You need to have at least two or three really long stints of work every week to show you are researching at a steady pace.

3. Its somewhat of a tricky skill, you need to be juggling three main tasks:
generic research
audience research
planning & shooting

all at the same time. Of course, each element will inform another, so your plans may change when you have shot some footage and perhaps your focus groups may have some suggestions.

4. Work for the next couple of days....
generic: write a short review of two short films or trailer- include a link to it and comment on:
narrative & representation, technical devices, lighting, camera angles, shot types, editing. Basically use the skills you developed studying TV drama and use them in this context.
audience: decide on your focus group and take photos of them, upload these, along with a brief summary of their demographic and interests on to your blog.
planning: try and find some examples of storyboards and plan which elements you think are vital for your own production.

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