Friday 22 July 2011


Research into short film or film promotion.

Generic research into at least 4 short films.

Liar chart of aux products. Theory of film genre.

Storyboards, animatic, photoshoots, sketches, drafts, screen shots, skills development from Foundation
On going- keep adding to blog

Aims and context

1. The situation: opens the story and may be disrupted.

2. Whose situation is it?- identifies the protagonist.

3. Central quest or conflict? What has the protagonist to resolve?

4. Who stands in the way of success? The antagonist.

5. How does the quest end?

Show, don't tell!

If its a genre specific film then define those conventions you will use.

Consider, sound
Scripting: 1st draft

Mood board about film

Drawn storyboard & location stills

Upload to blog as an animatic

Shooting schedule prepared for shooting over summer hols

Summer hols:

1. Shoot footage for short film or trailer

2. Continue with research on blog

Upload footage, edit & produce first rushes by

Presentation of 1st edit to audience.

Prepare questions you want target audience to answer in feedback session.

Begin research for aux products.

Catch up on any outstanding work

½ term

Research, plan and shoot for auxiliary artefacts.

Poster, radio trailer or film review for Short film.

Homepage, poster or magazine cover for Film Promo

Individual deadlines for these, plan your time !

Re-focus on editing, re shoot parts that need it.

Final presentation with aux products

Record focus group feedback
Friday 3rd December

Analyse your work in terms of Media Language, Genre, Narrative, Representation, Audience.

Write a script incorporating this as a ‘Directors commentary’ to be recorded over your film. This is instead of a formal written evaluation so it must be good!

Friday 10th December

Edit above footage.

Ensure blog is complete, all research etc in place.

Friday 17th December

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